The Snack Bar
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*installs a snack bar*

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*installs a snack bar* Empty *installs a snack bar*

Post by Dracobolt Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:03 pm

*takes up position behind the counter*

Aah, that new forum smell! Citrus-y!

(General chat topic that is the closest thing to a live chat room; say what you want, no real need for staying on-topic!)

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Hinoa Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:26 pm

yo dawg, we put a snack bar in your snack bar so you can snack while you snack

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:40 am

Kiki walked through the door careful, scanning the perimeter for bombs, alligators, and other menaces. When it seemed clear, she sat at the counter. "Is RP module currently turned on?"

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by ReidAlvein Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:30 am

Only for you actually, sorry. Any posts OOC will result in insta ban for those with the RP module active

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Dracobolt Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:06 am

*bops Reid*

Have some tea, Kiki! What kind would you like?

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:31 pm

The door blew open in the stiff autumn breeze. With it came a few red and brown leaves and a man with long hair. It was Adnarel.

"I am Adnarel," said Adnarel, whose name was Adnarel. "But you can call me 'Adnarel.'"

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:38 pm

Kiki had only recently become a tea drinker, and was new to the world of tea. "What do you recommend?" she asked, diligently adhering to RP module per Reid's grave warning. Her hair swirled around her face as the man...what was his name? the long-haired man let the autumn breeze in.

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Dracobolt Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:23 am

His name? It's Kagami.

Also I don't really drink tea, so I was hoping you'd know. Have some milk chai!

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:21 pm

"I primarily stick with black teas," offered Adnarel, taking a seat at the counter and putting some loose leaf into a tea cage he had pulled out of his greatcoat. The coat had many pockets, and each one seemed to hold something more unlikely than the other. One of them was moving on its own.

"I've found that green tea merely tastes like grass, red tea is impossible to find where I live, and I need to be in the right mood for herbal teas," he expounded. "Having learned to drink tea in the United Kingdom, I've never really lost that palate." The hot water Dracobolt had started reached boiling, and Adnarel poured it carefully into what was decidedly a large coffee mug or a small soup bowl with a handle. For all his talk about United Kingdom tea, he still found their usual size cups to be insultingly small. The tea cage rattled merrily in the mug before becoming submerged.

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Dracobolt Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:43 pm

"I agree with you on those general assessments," said Draco. "Overall I find the flavor of tea to be too weak for me, so I either over-steep it (I think it's just right) or need a kind that goes well with milk, which is usually black tea. Boba is also good!" She stared forlornly at the Snack Bar's gleaming, top of the line espresso maker. "Of course, pretty much any hot drinks are a rare treat for me these days..."

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by ReidAlvein Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:51 am

"Ah yes, tea. The beauty of it is that there is one for everything depending on your current mood and dish. Milk tea has become very popular over recent years. We've had over 30 different tea shops pop up in the last 5 years in my town and for the most part they're all pretty successful," said Reid. "I've been exposed to many varieties of teas, including a lot of herbal ones imported from China by my partner's father. I tend to lean for the stronger flavors like oolong, jasmine, or even chamomile, but nothing beats a nice cup of iced passion fruit black tea on a hot day," he added.

"Lately though I've been leaning more towards coffee. I've bought several beans that I sometimes grind together in different combinations, as well as a milk frother and flavored syrups/creamers so I can act as my own coffee shop. I can't recall the last time I went to Starbucks."

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:25 pm

You people are such connoisseurs! I drink plain black coffee every day, the cheapest brand. *^_^ And the tea I drink was a gift from a friend, an earl gray from his hometown in Sri Lanka. What brands of tea would you recommend if I wanted to branch out?

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:27 pm

Adnarel sipped thoughtfully as he listened to Dracobolt.

"Bubble tea is plainly amazing, yes.  I don't believe it has the same health virtues that can be said of plain teas, but I also feel that there are worse vices out there, when it comes to sugary vices."

Reid had brought up coffee.  A sweet smile of reminiscence stole over Adnarel's face.  He buried it in the tea before emerging again.

"One of the very few times I had coffee was on a date years ago.  She wanted me to try coffee, since she knew I didn't drink it.  She tried getting me to believe that people squeezed lemon juice into their coffee to flavor it.  I knew that it was japes, but I did it anyway for the lulz.  It was a fun date, actually."  He blew on the tea reflectively.  "We're still friends."  Another sip.  "And I've never been able to like coffee."

"As for you, Keki, I have Opinions™ about brands of tea!"  Nobody knew how Adnarel was able to say "™" in the RP Module.  It was very talented.  "Twining's is good normie English tea, and it's pretty easy to find in our corner of the world.  If you have a halfway-decent large grocery store, though, look for PG Tips.  The first few bags especially of a PG Tips package are some of the best you can get for a relatively cheap tea.  But I have my suspicions that your friend's gift was rich indeed, and that you may well have just had the best tea of all of us."

EDIT: Adnarel was also super fucking pissed that this board turned the "TM" unicode character into the fucking emoji. It messed with the alignment of the text.

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:22 am

"The best tea is the tea we drink with friends," said Kiki, channeling the warmth and wisdom of the world's best grandmother. Then she reverted back to a 29-yr-old woman in pajamas and drinking cheap black coffee from a Hershey's mug. "But thank you, I will look for PG Tips, and will save some of the tea he got us to one day share with folks."

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:15 am

Adnarel started to breakdance.

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Sun Nov 27, 2022 5:46 pm

Kiki beatboxed along, badly.

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:49 pm

Adnarel crept back into the Snack Bar proper and shut the door gently behind him.

"Boy's down for his nap," he said in way of explanation. "When he's down, I can never make up my mind whether or not I should nap myself, go be a productive human, or waste time on the computer. Most often I manage none of the above, somehow."

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Kiki Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:34 pm

"Posting is productive," Kiki pointed out brightly. "You produced posts!"

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*installs a snack bar* Empty Re: *installs a snack bar*

Post by Adnarel Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:47 pm

Adnarel was presently buried under an enormous blanket and a few pillows. Beneath him was a squishy, upholstered armchair. On the side of the armchair was a wooden lever that could be pulled to cause a foot rest to spring up from the front of the armchair like a demented jack-in-the-box.

It was a good chair. It was the type of chair one sat in if one felt like the only sort of productivity that could be generated would be making posts in an already-dead revival forum.

A cat appeared nearby and studied the chair, and its contents, carefully.

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